The Ringing is sponsored by, selling the world's best electric and gasoline powered bicycles.

"And there are among them composers of verses whom they call Bards; these singing to instruments similar to a lyre, applaud some, while they vituperate others." -Diodorus Siculus Histories 8BCE

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23 August 2006

Ringing On Time

As usual, I'm late.

The Ringing Of The Bards #9 is up and running at SomethingKaty. Based on the artistry of Miss Sam Duffy it was a smashing success.

This week's Ringing will be hosted by Paper Tigers.

Hosts are desperately needed.

13 August 2006

The Ringing #8

The eighth edition of the Ringing Of The Bards is now up and running at Naked and Ashamed. Dan has done a great job painting with primary colors to produce a rainbow of poetry submissions.

If you'd like to know more about the Ringing Of The Bards (the poetry carnival) well that was the link. Plenty of weeks are available should you desire to become a host. Available weeks and previous hosts may be found here. Hey guys, we really need some hosts to step up to the plate.

Next weekend's host is Katy of SomethingKaty. Katy has some special submissions instructions should you wish to participate in next week's Ringing Of The Bards. I think once you read her instructions you'll be happy to take part.

10 August 2006

Hosts Are Needed

The Ringing Of The Bards is in need of hosts for the following dates:
The Ringing #10 August 26th., 2006
The Ringing #11 September 2nd., 2006
The Ringing #12 September 9th., 2006
The Ringing #14 September 23rd
and beyond.

Hosting The Ringing Of The Bards is a great way to get links and visitors to your blog. As a matter of fact, there are no better ways of getting organic traffic to your blog. If you'd like to host The Ringing send an e-mail to idleblogs (AT) and tell me the date you'd like to host. Be sure to put "The Ringing" in the subject line of your e-mail so I don't think your e-mail spam.

And finally, if you're unsure of how to host the Ringing there's tons of info at this site starting with links to all the previous and future hosts so you can see how they did it.