The Ringing is sponsored by, selling the world's best electric and gasoline powered bicycles.

"And there are among them composers of verses whom they call Bards; these singing to instruments similar to a lyre, applaud some, while they vituperate others." -Diodorus Siculus Histories 8BCE

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31 January 2007

The Ringing #25

Ringing Of The Bards #25 is online at

The Ringing # 26 Feburary 3, 2007 will be hosted by Jo Janoski. Please get those submissions in by 2pm Saturday.

Currently every week is open. If you'd like to host then please send an e-mail to idleblogs (AT) telling me what weeks you prefer.

Also, participants are requested to please post to your blogs each time you participate in The Ringing so that your readers can enjoy works by poets they might not yet know. Thanks -Billy

20 January 2007

The Ringing #24-2.0

It's live at Poetry Springs Boing.