The Ringing is sponsored by, selling the world's best electric and gasoline powered bicycles.

"And there are among them composers of verses whom they call Bards; these singing to instruments similar to a lyre, applaud some, while they vituperate others." -Diodorus Siculus Histories 8BCE

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28 June 2007

1 Year Anniversary!

This weekend, Billy Jones of will host the one year anniversary of the Ringing Of The Bards, the longest running poetry carnival in the world. Get those submissions to idleblogs (AT) by Saturday night.

24 June 2007

Two More Ringings Scheduled

June 30th Billy of will be your host and on July 7 Deb of will be hosting.

02 June 2007

Dave's Not Here!

The Ringing Of The Bards is live at

Next week's host will be Deb of

If you'd like to host the Ringing Of The Bards simply check the schedule, pick a Saturday and e-mail Billy at idleblogs (AT)